Christophe Delbeecke

Ballon avec hache (blanc) (1/5), 2021
Mirror polished resin with pearl finish, cleaver | Résine polie (fini perlé) avec hachoir
6 x 10 x 10 in
Please note that shipping fees are not included. A representative will be in touch to discuss these costs. | Veuillez noter que les frais de livraison ne sont pas inclus. Un représentant communiquera avec vous pour discuter de ces coûts.

For international collectors:
All prices are in Canadian dollars. For a quote in any other currency, please contact us. Canadian taxes will only be applied to shipments in Canada.

"I really love working with everyday objects because their banality offers a lot of different possibilities. We are so used to these kinds of objects that just a small modification can give them a totally new meaning, giving the chance to create something new and original. I love to learn how to handle new material. Actually, that’s why I stopped working with ceramic at the Academy of Fine Arts, I was so tired of working over and over the same material."



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