Gibbs Rounsavall
Interface #2, 2020
Enamel on wood panel | Émail sur panneau
16 x 16 x 8 in
$ 2,950
All prices in Canadian dollars. For a quote in any other currency, please contact us.
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“I compare my studio practice to that of a scientific exploration embracing the thrill of discovery.” Explains Rounsavall. “The focus of my study has primarily been on relationships between shape and color. Color has such strong associative powers that it can transport us through time eliciting memories while simultaneously suspending the perception of reality.”
Canadian taxes will only be applied to shipments in Canada.
Shipping charges to be determined
“I compare my studio practice to that of a scientific exploration embracing the thrill of discovery.” Explains Rounsavall. “The focus of my study has primarily been on relationships between shape and color. Color has such strong associative powers that it can transport us through time eliciting memories while simultaneously suspending the perception of reality.”