Eli Horn
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"Just as the medium of photography is not the construction of the lenses or the sensors, but the framing of the image and the release of the shutter, the medium of generative art, for most people, is not programming but prompting. Focusing on the text prompts behind generative AI images rather than the imagery itself allows us to look more closely at this new medium. Are these texts in and of themselves forms of conceptual art? Just as we all became photographers after 2007, are we now all becoming conceptual artists? Or is this simply an impoverished mode of creation, reducing image-making to captioning?
The texts in these pieces are reverse-engineered prompts, generated by uploading images of paintings to a leading prompt engineering tool, and intended to create similar images via text-to-image models. The disparate and often odd associations that make up these prompts highlight the centrality of montage and appropriation to the generative process, in contrast to verbose, human-readable prompts popular in chat-based models that give an illusion of creative agency. In practice (at least for now), these abstruse reference lists are far more efficient prompts. By framing prompts in the aesthetic and material language of conceptual art, we can experience the texts in isolation from their image counterparts, ponder their value as conceptual objects, and maybe glimpse the dataset dimension from which they derive." - Eli Horn